You hear it all over the place:
There isn't a day that goes by (or a supermarket check-out) that someone isn't asking something of you. It gets tiring. I so get that.
But did you know that doing good is actually good for you? Like scientifically-proven good for you?
It is! But, why?
Because humans are social beings, and even more so in hard times. When something happens to destabilize our community (like a hurricane, earthquake, fire, etc.), we band together for support. It's a natural human reaction to seek out others in times of need.
Dr. Christine Carter, a fellow at the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley, explained recently in "Why Doing Good Is Good for the Do-Gooder": "When our survival is threatened, we are going to reach out and strengthen our connections with the people around us. We show generosity. We show compassion. We show gratitude. These are all emotions that function to connect us with each other."
When we show compassion and generosity, the recipients benefit – but here's the weird thing: so do the givers, including those who volunteer their time.
When we show compassion and generosity, the recipients benefit – but here's the weird thing: so do the givers, including those who volunteer their time.
Volunteering can help:
"Voluntarism is good for the health of people who receive social support, but also good for the health of people who offer their help," reminds Dr. Ichiro Kawachi of the Harvard School of Public Health.
So, why am I telling you this?
1. Because at Steve's Club, we’re looking for new Members of the Board of Directors to help support the work of Steve’s Club National Program, our 501c3 non-profit that provides mission-based leadership and strategic contributions. Learn more HERE.
2. And if you just want to do something good today, those kids could always use your donation. You can find out more here.
3. Lastly, another way to do good is to buy healthy snacks for you and your family (like Chocolate Blueberry ShareBars or Paleo Sauces) because 15% of your purchase from Steve's PaleoGoods goes to help those kids in need at Steve's Clubs.
I'm not asking you to save the whole world, but if you can help others and help your own health at the same time, it's a win-win for everyone.
As always, we appreciate you and your support of our community. Thank you. May we all be happy and healthy.